
Parallel Particle-In-Cell Method

Yuanxin Cao, Lan Lou

Andrew ID: yuanxinc, lanlou



Project Proposal: https://github.com/lanlou1554/15618-final-project/blob/main/Project_Proposal.md

Milestone Report: https://github.com/lanlou1554/15618-final-project/blob/main/Milestone_Report.md

Final Report: https://github.com/lanlou1554/15618-final-project/blob/main/Final_Report.pdf


The objective of this project is to implement the Particle-in-Cell (PIC) algorithm [1] in a 3D space and parallelize it using the OpenMP and MPI libraries. The parallelization aims to enhance the performance of the PIC simulation, enabling the simulation of larger systems and achieving faster simulation times.


In the PIC algorithm, the motion of charged particles is tracked through the Coulomb force between different charged particles. Each particle has attributes such as position and velocity, which evolve over time.

To calculate the effect of particles in a 3D space, the particle charges are interpolated onto an irregular 3D mesh. [2] Similarly, the Coulomb forces computed on the mesh are interpolated back to the particle positions to update their velocities.

To parallelize this algorithm using OpenMP and MPI, we need to divide the work evenly between the workers. Each worker should calculate the Coulomb forces for a number of charged particles, and then update the positions and the velocities of the charged particles accordingly.

The PIC algorithm loop can be described as follows:

  1. Interpolating the electromagnetic fields at the particle positions.
  2. Computing the new particle velocities and positions.
  3. Computing the new electromagnetic fields on the grid according to the positions of the charged particles.


We may take some inspirations from these repositories:

  1. Parallel Research Tools Kernels
  2. Smilei
  3. ModeRepository

Goals and Deliverables


75% Goal

100% Goal

125% Goal


Platform Choice

We plan to use C++ as our programming language because it has many easy-to-use parallel libraries like OpenMP and MPI. Also, we will test our performance in GHC and PSC machines since they have many cores and are easy to access.


4.8-4.16: Serial Algorithm Code and Basic Parallelism via OpenMP (Done)

4.17-4.21: Basic OpenMP and MPI Parallelism

4.22-4.25: Deep Performance Analysis and Parallel Mehhod Improvement

4.26-4.29: Explore Faster Serial PIC and Its Parallelism

4.30-5.5: Documentation, Poster Event Slides